My name is Madeleine and I’m the founder of Seeking Ro. 28 years old, born and raised in Stockholm Sweden, with Kenyan/Croatian roots - currently living in Berlin.
The world is an incredible place and travelling has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I was always the kid who travelled to far away destinations. I’ve spent my entire career working in Travel with some of the largest brands in the industry - but after 5 years of what I thought was my dream role, I decided to quit my corporate job.
It turns out I wasn’t happy.
Stress is a big problem in our society, and I did a pretty good job of continuing to add additional pressure on myself on top of what was already there. I hit a turning point in the summer of 2023, while stand up paddle surfing in the middle of the Swedish archipelago. Being in nature and close to the ocean gave me the right headspace to be in tune with myself to make some transformative life decisions. The place gave me a renewed sense of clarity.
A 2007 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, coined the term "cathedral effect", revealing that individuals in rooms with higher ceilings exhibit more abstract and creative thinking compared to those in spaces with lower ceilings. Fascinating. That said, for those of us in search of a clear head - the power of an open sky surely wins over the ceilings of any room.
The word Ro is a Swedish noun meaning tranquility, quietude and repose. Seeking Ro was born as a platform designed to guide you to the quiet corners of the world, facilitating your own journey of self-discovery in nature.
Whether you're seeking solace in the mountains, serenity by the sea, or simply a moment of quiet in natures embrace - Seeking Ro is your portal to transformative travel experiences.
I can’t wait for you to discover our carefully curated collection of stays, retreats and experiences around the world.
Our journey is just getting started.
Photo credits: Alexandra Svärdh